Where should I start?
The genesis of this entire site started many years ago. The dream of this site is to provide a place for investors, entrepreneurs and the like-minded enjoy a little bit of entertainment based on my investing endeavors.
The names StreetRhetoric.com came from a simple connection of two words the first word being that Wall Street is referred to as the street. The second being that stands for a bunch of conversation. On the whole, a whole bunch of information and conversation occurs on Wall Street which is why combine to words together to be called StreetRhetoric. the long-term goals of this site is to address the rhetoric nature of much of Wall Street’s information synthesized down to the very essential items that you come to your attention through the method which I approach my investing style.
as I fumbled through the process of registering domain learning about how to edit recent blogging software like WordPress and simply having something is rudimentary as Google ad words addition to the sidebar, I feel we’ve come a long way.
As the development of the site matures, a links page will be added as well as the about menu other fundamental pieces to make the site very useful. My collection of links and other items that I have found as far as information rules are concerned be used to add content to the site. My 13+ years in the investing around will be useful to identify things that I find beneficial and my approach to this rather broad and very accommodatingfield field.
The fundamental principle behind the site is still here keep it simple and keep it fun! I hope you enjoy and continue to visit us often.